
Thursday, 25 January 2018

World of Nerds: DC vs Marvel

World of Nerds: DC vs Marvel

Alright, so, most people who aren't nerds know about at least one of these, or even both. But, do you know of both of them in such detail, you would be able to tell your nerdy acquaintance, or friend, how, when and by who they were made. Well, sit down my children, it's story time with Charlie.


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Marvel Wikipedia
I love Marvel, please DC lovers don't kill me, I love DC too, but I love the characters that were created by the writers; Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko. It didn't start as Marvel though. In 1939, a company called Timely Publications was founded. It would later become Atlas Comics in the early 1950s. The Marvel branding officially began in 1961 which is the year they released the Fantastic Four and other titles written by the three men mentioned up the top. Most of you will know the most famous superheroes created for the Marvel franchise; Spider-man, Captain America, Iron Man etc.
Most of these superheroes are based in America, apart from the Black Panther who is based in the fictional country of Wakanda, which is placed in the North East of Africa. The other superheroes are placed in different parts of America, most in New York. For example, Spider-man lives in Queens in New York, and Captain America lives in Brooklyn in New York. Ok don't get me wrong but I think someone out there should create a petition for a new Marvel superhero to be born/set in a European country. Just to give it a bit of difference.


Ok now onto DC.
Image result for dc comics
DC Wikipedia
DC comics is part of the DC entertainment company which is related to Warner Brothers Entertainment. It has created many superheroes over the years and it was created in 1937 by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson. Most of the heroes you would know either from reading the comics or seeing the most recent films. (Which I will not mention)
The two most well known DC heroes are Superman and Batman, both of whom have had many remakes in the film industry. Batman has had 9 actors play him and many TV shows and films through the years. Superman has had 9 films and has reappeared in many TV shows and cartoons.

Marvel VS DC

Image result for marvel vs dc
Game Ideas Wiki

Ok, with the films (Exception with the new Wonder woman), in my opinion Marvel far overthrows DC by miles. And not just because they are under Disney. They usually have a better plotline and purpose for the villain's, and better fighting scenes. Marvel also links all of their movies together way better than DC. But the same can't be said about Marvel comics. According to the readers of the comics, DC is better in style and art, but it usually is a 50:50 split.

In conclusion, it's really your opinion. Whether you prefer DC to Marvel or vice versa, that's fine, but, I would warn you this. . .
Don't mix the two up if there's a nerdy nearby.

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